Eliza Howlett

  • Eg: Early Modern Ireland
  • Early Modern British Isles & Ireland
  • Modern British Isles & Ireland

My research interests include the history of palaeontology, especially the work of William Buckland, Elizabeth Philpot and Charles Lyell; people and places; and scientific networks. I have managed a number of digital humanities projects, including the digitisation of Charles Lyell’s fossil collection and associated archives, and acted as Oxford lead for the Royal Albert Memorial Museum’s HMS Challenger project. I am currently supervising an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership studentship on university collections, academic teaching, and the making of geology (1813–74).

Featured Publication

Howlett, E.A., Kennedy, W.J., Powell, H.P. and Torrens, H.S. 2017. New light on the history of Megalosaurus, the great lizard of Stonesfield. Archives of Natural History, 44 (1): 82-102. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/315903058_New_light_on_the_hist...


Current DPhil students:

  • Susan Newell