Oxford Centre for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology : All Pages
- Home
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- People
- Study at Oxford
- Diseases of Modern Life
- Constructing Scientific Communities
- The Newton Project
- Cultures of Knowledge
- Professor Erica Charters
- Dr Sloan Mahone
- Professor Rob Iliffe
- Professor Mark Harrison
- MSc/MPhil in History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- Research Projects, Institutions, and Resources
- Events
- News
- The Butchering Art: Joseph Lister’s quest to transform the grisly world of Victorian medicine
- Dr Atsuko Naono
- Dr Jeong-Ran Kim
- Dr Marie Thébaud-Sorger
- History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Postgraduate Conference 2018
- Professor Simukai Chigudu
- Prof Tom Scott-Smith
- Dr Philip Beeley
- Dr Christopher Hollings
- Professor Ursula Martin
- Dr Amanda Power
- Professor Caroline Warman
- Professor Katherine Paugh
- Gustav Neuenschwander Prize 2018
- Dr Dmitri Levitin
- Professor Sally Shuttleworth
- Conference: The Changing Role of Consultants in Industry, 1850-2000
- Taniguchi Medal: 2018 winner Ms Manikarnika Dutta
- Science Museum Group Journal Writing Prize: 2018 winner Mr Jules Skotnes-Brown
- 2019 HSMT Postgraduate Conference: ch-ch-changes in the history of science, medicine, and technology
- Dr Federica Gigante
- Research Seminars
- Oxford and Empire
- Contact us
- Masters: MSc/MPhil in HSMT
- Doctoral: DPhil in HSM
- Prizes
- Dr Roderick Bailey
- Professor Pietro Corsi
- Anne Ploin
- Historians of Medicine in Taiwan
- New Associate Professor of the History of Science
- Dr Catherine M Jackson
- Professor Joshua Hordern
- Dr Christopher Morton
- Visiting Scholars
- Director and Committees
- Charles Webster, Founding Director of the Oxford Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine
- Guest Feature
- Margaret Pelling, Associate Member
- Richard McKay, Graduate Student—MSc (2007) and DPhil (2011), Green College MCR President (2007-08)
- Lindsey Fitzharris, Graduate Student – MSc (2005) and DPhil (2009)
- Pratik Chakrabarti, Research Officer and Deputy Director, 2002-2006
- Eliza Howlett
- New Publication by Dr Claas Kirchhelle
- New Publication by Professor Simukai Chigudu
- Researching all aspects of the history of science, medicine, and technology on a global scale
- Dr Jo Ashbourn
- Dr Viviane Quirke
- Professor Robert Fox
- Professor Paul Slack
- Live Event: Invalids on the Move - WATCH NOW!
- COVID-19: Insights from history
- OCHSMT DPhil and ECR Writing Group – Trinity Term 2022
- HSMT student volunteers
- Living with Pandemics
- Going Viral - Day 1
- Going Viral - Day 2
- Reading History Together in the Time of COVID-19
- Prize winning film
- The Contagion Cabaret
- Dr David E Dunning
- Pyrrhic Progress wins ICOHTEC 2020 Turriano Prize
- Dr Javier Lezaun
- Jerome (Jerry) Ravetz
- Managing Airs and Climates - Workshop report
- OCHSMT Round-up: end of 2019-20
- Jim Bennett awarded Sarton Medal
- Special issue: History of Science and Medicine in the Context of COVID-19
- Dr Máté Szabó
- Dr Georgina Montgomery
- Dr Marta Arnaldi
- Dr Matthew Landrus
- Seminars and Events
- Dr Stephen Tuffnell
- Dr Mogens Lærke
- Martin Robert's doctoral thesis awarded two prizes
- Professor Judith Rainhorn
- Professor Jacob Dahl
- Professor Zoltán Molnár
- Professor Howard Hotson
- Dr Jennifer Oliver
- MSc research published
- 2020 Dev Prize Winner
- Futuremakers podcast: The History of Pandemics
- Erica Charters in conversation with Zoltán Molnár: A History of Medicine perspective on Thomas Willis
- Book Launch and Discussion on 'Pandemopolitics'
- Dr Stephen Johnston
- Dr Silke Ackermann
- Oxford 2021 HSMT Postgraduate Conference
- Blood Far Forward: A History of Battlefield Blood Transfusion in the Second World War
- Discovered: a new Rule of Philosophising by Isaac Newton
- Research Projects
- Institutions
- Resources
- Brigitte Stenhouse
- Dr Alexander R.E. Taylor
- Dr Michelle Pfeffer
- HAPP Scholarship in the History & Philosophy of Physics
- Dr Alex Aylward
- Dr Manikarnika Dutta: Winner of the William Bynum Prize 2021
- 2021 Junior Kirkaldy Prizes Announced
- 2021 Senior Kirkaldy Prize Announced
- Brigitte Stenhouse on BBC World Service - The Forum, Mary Somerville: The queen of 19th-Century science
- Oxford History of Medicine turns 50
- Brilliant Blunders - Mistakes by Great Physicists that changed our understanding of the Universe
- Dr Yusen Yu
- Dr Jonathan Krause
- 2-Day Conference: Medical Identities in Global History
- Reading Group: History of Modern Biology
- BSHM Research in Progress 2022
- Meeting in Memory of Peter Neumann
- Hygiene, Health, Pleasure, and Propriety: a Workshop on the History of Bathing
- Belinda Clark, Administrative Assistant, OCHSMT, Faculty of History, (previously Unit Secretary, WUHMO) – 4 March 2002-present
- HAPP One-Day Conference: The Nature of Light
- Workshop - From Research to Engagement: Social Sciences and Infectious Disease
- Book Launch: Caroline Warman, The Atheist's Bible: Diderot's "Éléments de physiologie''
- Workshop: Greening Chronos, Growing Kairos: Turning Time in Religion and the Environmental Humanities
- HSMT Postgraduate Conference 2022: A Theatre of Knowledge
- International Workshop - Breathing Contaminated Air: The History of Face Masks as a Panacea
- "So Fair a Subterraneous City": Mining, Maps, and the Politics of Geometry in the Seventeenth Century
- Futures: Past & Present
- The Past, Present, and Future of the History of Medicine: Oxford History of Medicine turns 50
- MChem Graduate wins History of Chemistry Prize
- In the Flame of a Proper Lamp: Glass and Glassblowing in Making Modern Chemistry
- Imagining AI: workshop, demos and display
- 2022 Astor Lecture in Medical Humanities - Global Health Emergencies: from Ebola and Covid-19 to Monkeypox and Polio
- Interdisciplinary Roundtable Discussion - Global Health Emergencies: from Ebola and Covid-19 to Monkeypox and Polio
- Graduate Student and ECR Lunchtime Workshop: Global Health Emergencies and the Medical Humanities
- Material culture and mathematical practice in astrology’s long 16th century
- Medicine in Ancient Assur: outlining the career of a healer from the 7th century BCE
- Unveiling the invisible belt: the shareholders of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, 1897-1901
- Quantification, measurement and the rise of physics in Victorian Britain
- Images, tags and identities in ‘science’
- “We cannot help laughing”: reflex, discomfort, and the comic in late-Victorian mental science
- Correcting readers in seventeenth-century natural philosophy
- A risky business: hydroxychloroquine, global health politics, and the bureaucratization of clinical trials
- HAPP One-Day Conference: Symmetries in Physics
- Belinda Clark
- Professor Arne Schirrmacher
- 3-Day Workshop: Nature and the Social Order since the 1970s
- Dr Benoît Pouget
- Ancient Medicine Seminar
- Will I Have to Mortgage My House? Reflections on Gene Therapy, Innovation, and Inequality in the USA
- Absolute beginner? A relativistic take on Halford Mackinder’s geography, education and the popularization of knowledge
- Framing medical knowledge on mineral waters - France, 1770s-1830s
- The place of premodern public health
- Evaluation in the Age of Production: The Origins of Gemmology in France, c. 1770-1830
- Visualising Bloodletting Knowledge in Early Modern England
- The edge of the self and the limits of the world: Nathaniel Fairfax's thought experiments
- New ERC Project at the Maison Française d’Oxford: The Common Notion. Science and Consensus in the Seventeenth Century (NOTCOM)
- **CANCELLED** Drawing as a pragmatist visual epistemology
- Dr Vincent Roy-Di Piazza
- BSHS Postgraduate Conference 2023
- HAPP One-day Conference: Physics Feuds Throughout History
- Calling all historians of science - enter the 7th Notes and Records Essay Award
- Exhibition: PLAGUE! at Magdalen: Epidemics and College Life
- Jennifer M Rampling, Fantasy or experiment? Reading alchemical imagery in early modern England
- Nathan Crowe, Forgotten Clones: The Birth of Cloning and the Biological Revolution
- Meira Gold, Territorial soils: Egyptology, agriculture, and the colonial politics of field sites
- Charlotte Bigg and Jessica Reinisch, The international scientific conference: a social, cultural and political history
- Jack Avery. "Chains of invincible reasoning"? New approaches to the Newton manuscripts at New College
- Digitizing Diagnosis: Medicine, Minds, and Machines in Twentieth-Century America by Andrew S Lea
- Ross Brooks, "We will have this cut out": The Making and Unmaking of Queer Zoology
- Dr Netta Cohen
- Enslaved by African angels: Swedenborg on African superiority, evangelization, and slavery by Vincent Roy-Di Piazza
- 2023 HSMT Postgraduate Conference: The Ox-cars
- Dr Philipp Nothaft
- Dr Jon Parkin
- Andrew Seaton - Our NHS: A History of Britain's Best-Loved Institution (Yale University Press)
- Workshop: Health, Medicine and Civil-Military Relations
- The Cressida Jervis Read Seminar
- Oxford History of Science turns 50
- 2023 International Symposium: Newton Geneva Edition
- How the Treasury Saved Britain: nationalism, liberalism and “high technology” in the post-war era
- The Great Pox in Early Modern Italy: imagining and experiencing (Joint Early Modern Italian World Seminar)
- Framing epidemic geographies and displacement after the Great East Asian War of 1592-1598
- Abraham Bäck and Linnean racial science
- How students created their own curriculum: Oxbridge student clubs in the age of the research university
- Cave Remedies: Ancient Wisdom in Stalactites
- Historical activism, autobiographies and life story work with people with learning disabilities - using history and stories for social change (Joint Disability History Month Seminar)
- “Deliver us from doctors”: The New Zealand model of midwifery and the politics of maternity from 1970
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Dr Hohee Cho
- International Workshop - Body Counts: The Administration of Military Losses and Casualties in East & South-east Asian Wars, 1930s-1970s
- Dr Venus Bivar
- HAPP One-Day Conference: Polymaths Across the Eras
- 2023 Junior Kirkaldy Prize Announced
- Dr David Robertson
- Oxford History of Science turns 50
- Professor Jim Bennett, 1947-2023
- Public Health in China: A Multidisciplinary Workshop
- Pure, white, and uncontaminated: infectious diseases and microbiology in Antarctica
- Reconstructing Ancient Egyptian Mathematics: Contrasting the Aims and Approaches of Mathematicians, Egyptologists, and Others
- Joint event with Medical Humanities, Public Health in China: A Multidisciplinary Workshop
- Bloodletting under the ankle, post-mortem caesarean section, and the role of female expertise in medieval medicine
- Gold and Mercury: unearthing a toxic partnership (1847-2023)
- Tracing the Legacies of Empires of Extinction (Joint seminar with the Bodleian Libraries, We Are Our History Conversations)
- Ancient Mesopotamian Plant Knowledge
- Presentism and the Historian of Science: Reflections from the Coalface
- Jim Bennett and John Heilbron as Historians of Science and Intellectual Historians, by Dmitri Levitin
- Materiality as Method: In Conversation with Dr Peter Oakley
- British Society for the History of Mathematics Research in Progress 2024
- Inaugural Cressida Jervis Read Seminar - “Archives of Loss and Wonder”: Writing a History of Fossil Heritage in South Asia
- Oxford Centre for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology: Use of cookies on this website
- Intercolonial Health Cooperation in the Pacific Islands and the British Empire
- Red Squirrels, Big Data, and the Birth of Behavioral Ecology
- Austerity, Experimentation and Opposition: The Global and Local Politics of Biomedical Contraception in Uganda
- The Society for the Protection of Science and Learning (SPSL): A “République des lettres” in the Twentieth Century
- The Soundscapes of Herb Women: Mapping Community Healthcare in Early Modern London
- Victorian Women and Algology: The Case of Margaret Scott Gatty (1809–1873)
- Workshop: Histories of Science, Medicine, Technology, and Environment (Week 2)
- Workshop: Histories of Science, Medicine, Technology, and Environment (Week 4)
- Workshop: Histories of Science, Medicine, Technology, and Environment (Week 6)
- Workshop: Histories of Science, Medicine, Technology, and Environment (Week 8)
- Workshop: Eugenics in the Academy
- History of Science in the Medieval World Summer School
- New under the Sun: Early Zionist Encounters with the Climate in Palestine by Netta Cohen
- Workshop - Resonance of Mind: Poetry, Movement & Mental Health
- Dr Tolulope Osayomi
- HSMT Postgraduate Conference 2024: A Night at the Museum
- 2023 Senior Kirkaldy Prize winners announced
- Hear from New College's first AfOx Visiting Fellow, Dr Tolulope Osayomi
- Charles University, Prague-Oxford History of Science and Medicine Collaboration
- Singapore pineapples: catch-cropping, Chinese capitalists, and the colonial state, 1900s–1930s
- What’s in a table? Managing astronomical data in early modern Europe
- Physical pain in early modern Europe: texts, signs, and emotions (joint session with HSMT/NOTCOM ERC Project based at the Maison Francaise)
- The Prediction Machine: science, technology, and futurology in British Government, c. 1970-2010
- Infectious Ecologies: Exploring Biological Histories of Epidemics in Colonized Spaces held jointly with the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford
- Can opium addiction be cured? Early cellular-level research in 1930s-China and its international impact
- “There is a fatal facility in the use of technical terms”: a media history perspective on first aid in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
- Book Launch: New Under the Sun: Early Zionist Encounters with the Climate in Palestine
- Scholars' Library: Jasmine Brown on 'Twice as Hard'
- Dr Sally Frampton
- Prize-winning article on women bushwalking, and visiting OCHSMT as a PhD student
- Dr Michael Drolet
- HSMTE Workshop with Jean-Baptiste Fressoz - More and More and More: An All-Consuming History of Energy
- Digital Global Plants: Reframing Collections and Reconstructing Science
- Dr Madeline White
- Conference: How Sciences End
- From SARS to COVID: What has changed in the Chinese healthcare system?
- Science in a Crisis: Assembling knowledge and action in a volcanic colony
- HAPP 10th Anniversary Commemorative Volume
- Workshop: Vaccine Hesitancy: The History of an Idea
- Of Herbs and Pharmaceuticals: Rethinking the Rise of the Pharmaceutical Industry after the Plant Turn
- Mapping Animal Motion in the Time of Galileo
- Eugenics and Religion; Eugenics as a Religion
- Reconsidering HMS Challenger at 150: Race science, anatomy, and scientific seafaring
- Beautifying the City, Poisoning the Lady. About an Odd Victorian Scientific Conversation (1869)
- Darkest before Dawn? Medicine in the English Universities in the Later Middle Ages
- Fabricating Facts in Behavior Genetics
- 1-Day Workshop: Disease and International Relations
- Article: A Musalmāni Matron of Cholera in Bengal, Utsa Bose and Tony K Stewart
- 2024 Senior Kirkaldy Prize winner announced
- 1-Day Conference: History, Eugenics, and Human Enhancement: How the Past Can Inform Ethical Debates in the Present
- Dr Fiona Bowler
- Dr Andrew Moeller