HSMT Postgraduate Conference 2024: A Night at the Museum

2024 hsmt postraduate conference a night at the museum

© Alexandra Goh McMillen

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HSMT Postgraduate Conference 2024: A Night at the Museum

Welcome to the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology’s Night at the Museum!

On 6 and 7 June, our docents will guide you through our ‘HSMT museum’ in five sessions: Interactive Display (Technology), Gift Shop (Public Engagement), Lecture Theatre (Pedagogy), Uncomfortable Collections (Colonialism), and Cataloguing Office (Definitions). This annual conference, put on by the Centre for HSMT, and co-organised by MSc, MPhil, and first-year DPhil students, is an exciting time for them to share their work and for others in the community to hear about wonderful new research in the field. Join us for two days of exploration and conversation!

Thursday 6 June 09:30-16:30 (includes lunch) - * registration has now closed but if you would like to attend a session please contact belinda.clark@history.ox.ac.uk

Friday 7 June 09:30-13:30 - registration not required


Day 1: Thursday 6 June




Opening Remarks: Dr Alex Aylward

10:15-11:35 Panel 1: Interactive Display (Technology)


Chair: Tadhg Goodison
  Joseph Foster, Battling the biscuit: the role of dental laboratories in the Royal Air Force Dental Branch, 1939-1945
  Elena Morgana, The liquor Alkahest: a universal solvent fostering alchemical networks in the 1660-1670s
  Asmita Sarkar, The search for a suitable apparatus: X-rays and medicine in colonial and post-colonial India (1897-1960)
11:35-11:55 Break
11:55-13:15 Panel 2: Gift Shop (Public Engagement)
  Chair: Elizabeth Schulz
  Elizabeth Monthofer, The history of bioequivalence: an ethics case study of Hatch-Waxman
  Han Zhang, Sanitary nationalism: the body, germs, and state sovereignty in the Patriotic Health Campaign
  Utsa Bose, “An ill-feeling”: perspectives on the bubonic plague pandemic in Calcutta 1890-1920
13:15-14:15 Lunch
14:15-16:00 Panel 3: Lecture Theatre (Pedagogy)
  Chair: Molly Wilson

Tadhg Goodison, Unveiling the pedagogical legacy of John Phillips: exploring material culture and educational practices in 19th-century geology at Oxford University


Ellen Hausner, From figure to glyph: the transmission of meaning in visual alchemical texts, c. 1450-1700

  Elizabeth Schulz, The growth of the Tree of Life (ToL): pedagogical, heuristic, and theory constitutive, 1860-1960

Joseph Drakeley, Building the Nuffield science advanced physics course

16:00-16:30 Closing Remarks: Professor Rob Iliffe
Day 2: Friday 7 June
09:30-10:00 Registration
10:00-10:15 Opening Remarks: Dr Hohee Cho
10:15-11:35 Panel 4: Uncomfortable Collections (Colonialism)
  Chair: Philippa Monk

Yiming Gao, Epidemics in the international settlement of Shanghai (1900–1945): evaluating the public health intervention of the Shanghai Municipal Council and the factors that shaped their response


Rutuja Rokade, Marginalised bodies, disease outbreaks and colonial intervention in British India during the long nineteenth century


Marielle Masolo, Medicine and miracle: Kimbangu and prophetic healing in the Belgian Congo, 1918-1930

11:35-11:55 Break
11:55-13:15 Panel 5: Cataloguing Office (Definitions)
   Chair: Joseph Foster

Alexandra Goh McMillen, A (botanic) garden of forking paths: diverging approaches to botany in 17th-century England, with chamomile as a case study


Philippa Monk, Inventing a global disease: finding and treating yaws in Greater India, 1860-1960


Molly Wilson, Reassessing Rosenhan: Pseudo-patients and schizophrenia diagnosis

13:15-13:30 Closing Remarks: Dr Sloan Mahone